Hedwig Fassbender


5. April 2024

List of Blogposts

here are the English Blogposts, check also the German ones

8. Dezember 2023


Some ideas on how to become more at ease with it and how to rehearse it...

24. November 2023

OPERA STUDIO – An Application Guide

this article will give you some tips for a successful application

2. August 2023

Summer Holidays – 6 weeks of nothing?

How can I enjoy them and get confidently back in shape?

22. Juli 2023


Being envious can poison our lives and that of those around us.

24. März 2023

Marking or Singing out?

The split between training and over-challenging your voice

25. Februar 2023

ALCOHOL and the Opera world

written during the Pandemic - lent is a good moment to stop drinking for a while

30. November 2022


Do we really want to sing until we die?

26. November 2022

How fest ist fest?

Some thoughts on being an ensemble member

11. November 2022

How do I choose a masterclass?

Masterclasses can be very enriching, but also very confusing. Good to give the decision of "where, when and with whom?" a bit of thinking.

4. November 2022

MENOPAUSE – the big challenge

This is an article for women and for the men who want to make the effort to understand us better. For that, thank you in advance!

29. Oktober 2022

Preparing a role

there are many ways - here are mine

14. Oktober 2022

This thing with the agents…

Finding and dealing well with agencies is a very demanding task for every singer.

8. Oktober 2022

How can we maintain our quality?

We alone decide which quality standards we want to apply.

1. Juni 2022

Vocal coaching / „Korrepetition“

Where the dilemma lies...

24. Mai 2022

Podcast: Coaching, Mentoring…

Was ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen Coaching und Mentoring und wie finde ich die richtige Person? Podcast mit den wundervollen Frauen von "Der Marktstand", Susanne Petridis und Frauke Meyer:

2. Juli 2021

PODCAST on Spotify

in German only: zu Gast bei León Dreher: über Hochschule, Sängerleben, vieles mehr und die Notwendigkeit der Vernetzung!

28. März 2021


Dream about it or go for it?

31. Juli 2020

I am a singer – do I have to learn another profession now?

You do not need a new profession, because you have a profession you love very much, but you need, we all need an additional perspective!

24. März 2020


In "normal" times, most of us are always complaining about the lack of time at home. All of a sudden, we all have a lot of time, and most of us are forced to stay at home and can only go out to shop groceries, go to the pharmacy, or for a short walk/run close to the house.

27. November 2019

Burnout on Premiere-day?

How to survive the last two weeks of rehearsals without losing your voice.

26. November 2019

Can opera singers have children?

I am always quite surprised when young female singers ask me if it is possible to have children as a singer. I admit that having children and managing a singing career at the same time is not for cowards. But it can be done!

hedwig fassbender
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