27. August 2019

Masterclasses Unterseite

Masterclasses 2025:

Retreat Singers 35+ – 27. April-1. Mai 2025, Landesmusikakademie Schloss Engers
(Hedwig Fassbender, René Massis, Björn Huestege, Luise Breyer-Aiton)

exzellenz labor lied – 16.- 25. Juli 2025, Académie Villecroze, Frankreich
(Hedwig Fassbender, Anne LeBozec, Götz Payer, Mathias Hermann)

exzellenz labor oper – 24. August – 3. September 2025, Musikakademie Schloss Weikersheim
(Hedwig Fassbender, René Massis, Fausto Nardi, Enrico Maria Cacciari, Mathias Hermann, Allison Cook, Rebecca Meitlis, Amélie Sator, Nadja Dahlheimer)

Masterclasses at Opera-Studios

The challenge for young singers and pianists in opera studios is, among other things, to intelligently and confidently integrate the input of various guest instructors into their own singing and playing. I am fortunate to work regularly with the young singers and pianists of several opera studios, thereby ensuring a certain degree of continuity.

My teaching has as its technical foundations flexible, flowing breath, a slender method of vocalization, and sensible employment of the resonance cavities.

The goal is to create a stable technical framework for complete „artistic permeability,“ which will allow the singer to be free in their artistic and musical interpretations and for them to enjoy a healthy and long-term pursuit of our highly demanding profession.

hedwig fassbender
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